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27th Annual Celebration of Student Achievement

27th Annual Celebration of Student Achievement

The 27th Annual Celebration of Student Achievement will take place on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. The event features the research, scholarship and creative activity of TCNJ students from all disciplines. The event will include papers, posters, art exhibitions, video discussions and other products of student work.

The schedule for Political Science and International Studies students is below. Join us and support your fellow students!

27th Annual Celebration of Student Achievement Schedule

Conflict and Peace & International Security and Foreign Intervention,
8:45 - 9:45 am, SSB 326, Mentor: Dr. Hyun-Binn Cho
A How to Guide to Resisting the United States: An Analysis of Security in the Post-Cold War Eras Justin Drayton
Audience Costs & World Legal Systems Harleen Gill, Honors & Scholars Program project
The Democratic Peace Revisited: Contextualized Democratic Demilitarization Theory Blake Gommoll, Honors & Scholars Program project
It’s a Two-Way River: Why Upstream Riparian States Negotiate Water Rights Mike Sherr
Lack of Access to Information and Creation of Conflict Ryan Stromberg
The Multifaceted Nature of International Security, 10:00 am - 11:00 am SSB 326, Mentor: Dr. Hyun-Binn Cho
A 50 Year Crisis Corey Li
Social Media Diplomacy Sophia Sexton
Navigating the Playing Field: Examining the Impact of International Sports Organizations on International Security Danielle Aller
War and Bargaining Emma Kuper
Educing Security from the Shadows Veronica Rizk
Shanghai Disney: A Commitment to Diplomacy Alexa Willbergh
International Security and Foreign Intervention, 2:30 - 3:30 pm SSB 326, Mentor: Dr. Hyun-Binn Cho
International Security Angelica Cyril
International Intervention Mideline Nelson
Challenges to International Security Olivia Schwarz, Honors & Scholars Program project
Live Performance,
10:05 - 10:25 am, Mayo Concert Hall, Mentor: Dr. Hyun-Binn Cho
Roebling International Travel Award: The Spectrum of Human Emotions Salonee Shatagar
Poster, 2:30 - 3:30 pm, BSC 100, Mentor: Dr. Tao Dumas
Judicial Federal Confirmation Research Kaitlyn Yetman
3:45 - 4:05 pm, SSB 226, Mentor: Dr. Sarah Chartock
Survey of Political Attitudes in Spain: Madrid and Valencia Kristiana Kuras